Hmm, does the card require you to write the answer in Japanese rather than English?
If the answer is expected to be in English and you write it in English but it still isn’t accepted, then it could be that your answer is missing from the list of possible answers (if it is correct of course). You can always send feedback to the author and see the current values of the card through that same popup. Perhaps you can check which answers are accepted through there?
If the question type expects you to answer in Japanese but you are answering in English, then it’s always going to be marked as incorrect. Hibernating a card results in the card being fully suspended (so it does not come back for reviews anymore), whereas napping it will make it dissappear until the next review session. Both options do not increase or decrease the SRS level.
If it’s just one type of layout/question that you wish to skip (say the one where you have to input the Japanese) then you could filter out that layout from your reviews completely. You can do so by going to the deck settings and toggling on the layout filtering options over there.
It’s a little bit difficult to say what would be the best solution without knowing all the details, but hopefully this already helps a bit already