I tried looking through forums and also Kitsun’s discord and couldn’t find an answer, so hopefully someone who sees this can help.
I am trying to make a Chinese vocabulary deck for a friend and myself, and tried a few cards to test. During quiz, the pinyin readings don’t work.
When I type the pinyin using a pinyin keyboard, the answer shakes when I enter. When I try to use the English keyboard, the automatic hiragana eats my input (converts pinyin answer to hiragana).
I tried different templates and layouts, but no matter what I do, the card will accept only hiragana readings, which of course get marked wrong, because hiragana doesn’t match the correct answer (which is in pinyin).
I really hope to find a way to turn off the automatic hiragana for a Chinese deck. I’ve been telling my friend how great kitsun is for studying Japanese vocabulary, so hopefully we can figure out a way to use it for Chinese too.
In short, how do I stop automatic hiragana for the readings?