Hey Kitsun Team/Community,
I was wondering if anyone had or had found any particular parameters for successful v. unsuccessful anki imports.
Is it limited to perhaps; one audio file per note/card, one image, no pitch graphs .etc?
I ask as I have had previous trouble importing pre-builts and while I like and use the in-built subs2srs, since it doesn’t yet (as far as I am aware) support streaming content it means I still have to make these cards externally. It would be easier making all of the cards in a way that Kitsun accepts rather than making them all and then having to edit every note later on.
Side note: Is there currently, or does there plan to be, a feature that allows you to reupload the same deck multiple times but only add new cards? Essentially just updating the old deck rather than currently importing. making a new one and copying new cards across manually then deleting the rest of the deck?
Thanks everyone!