Adding SVG images to cards

Oh well. This was a lot to read through haha.


New users had a 19 post limit, I’m back (maybe)!

To make full use of the SVGs you should be able to style the front and backside individually, maybe addclass_{front, back} is possible, or just put the class name in the template field as well? :blush:


Front/Back & Review/Lesson session dependant styling is something I implemented previously, but I think it broke by now. I’ll put it on the list to take a look at.


If you need something to test, I added the kitsun-click classes and fixed the ids in the SVG file.

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I’m not sure if I still have enough time to implement this before my holiday. Basically it’s going to be today or in about 4 weeks (I’ll be gone for 3 weeks to Japan on Wednesday and have a dayjob until then).

I’ll still be able to help or respond though so no worries there. Just giving a headsup :slight_smile:

I’ll let you know if I managed to get it in there

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No problem, as usual when I make a deck I don’t actually need it afterwards because already know the contents :slight_smile:

Just wanted to say that if you need something for testing, I can provide SVGs, test cards and other things :+1:


So, I worked a bit harder to get it in there with this update :wink: . Please take a look at the patch notes and let me know what you think.

Special note, layouts with your svg would not save correctly until I removed this part (it’s somewhere at the top):

<metadata id="metadata218"><rdf:RDF><cc:Work rdf:about=""><dc:format>image/svg+xml</dc:format><dc:type rdf:resource="" /><dc:title /></cc:Work></rdf:RDF></metadata>

You will have to combine the styling classes with this functionality to get a good layout going, if you need any help let me know ^^

Looks great!! :fireworks::+1: :fireworks:

I will just try to create some cards and see if I run into trouble.

I used the working file created by Inkscape, there is also an option to save as “plain SVG”, maybe there are no “dangerous” tags left afterwards :slight_smile: Good to know!

@Neicudi should this already work? I was trying to use the upload file dialog and just used the img output, there is still a broken image replacement. Checking the image at works.

[And it looks that Inkscape insists on the metadata, I need to edit by hand.]

I just copy pasted the whole svg into the layout as it wont work through an img tag yet :stuck_out_tongue: Didn’t have enough time to implement that


OK, I tried that before but the SVG disappeared and turned into the string xml+SVG or something after saving. I guess removing the metadata tag was the problem at that time?

I will check when I’m back at my PC.

Back then the svg tag and all the other tags inside it were being filtered as a whole. I’ve added the important tags into the whitelist :slight_smile:

But somehow it still breaks with the metadata part inside it, I assume because the tags in there are something like <cc:Work> and my (HTML) sanitizer has no clue what to do with that :stuck_out_tongue:

No idea what it does exactly, but it is related to the Creative Commons because of the namespace, it comes from Wikipedia I think.

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Ok, there is still a problem with the HTML sanitizer, it is eating self-closing tags like <defs id="defs216" /> just leave behind an open tag, which throws the map a bit off. It also eats attributes with spaces like <svg ... viewBox="0 0 1300 555"> which are a way for getting the SVG to scale. [Edit: it also eats commas there, is something evil with viewBox?]

Best to wait for the img support :slight_smile:

I’m not sure whether svg img support will be a thing as it’d have to inject the svg into the html during runtime and I’m not sure whether that can cause any security risks (injecting userfiles always seems a bit iffy…). I didn’t whitelist the viewBox attribute since I thought it was unneeded.

Could you give me a list of attributes you want whitelisted?

And another list of self-closing tags you need?

I can easily add them right away :slight_smile:

I think it is no problem to keep it inline (if you don’t have a problem with hundred kBs of layouts :slightly_smiling_face:). After saving the SVG is on one line, so the layout is almost readable.

I’m not a huge expert on SVG, but for getting the image in the right size I think viewBox and preserveAspectRatio are necessary.

Some (all?) the drawing tags like path, circle are self-closing, but the exporter seems to do the right thing there with a closing tag added right after. devs should be useful, though.

I didn’t use that many SVG features, so you may have to add attributes occasionally. It may get a bit hard to debug if some nested attribute disappears, the user should try to diff what is actually left in the template :slight_smile:

I’ve added them, could you check if it works?

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Looks good, hover effects are also working :+1:


[I will test the click to answer tomorrow.]


Ooh that looks fancy! Nice :smiley:

SVG actually makes it dead simple, but every time I wanted to try something before there were issues, so thanks for making it work!

I was impressed by SVG stroke animations as well (like in, I think there is also a big potential with learning :slight_smile:

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