A few bugs

In going through lessons and reviews, I’ve noticed a couple of things that don’t seem to be working properly:

  • The “Wrap Up” feature in the Settings menu during reviews (“Batching by 10 (Wrap Up)”) doesn’t seem to work. I expect it to stop showing me new cards after I’ve seen 10 and let me finish those reviews, and then end the session, but it just keeps going.

  • When going through new lessons, if I hibernate a card, Kitsun still seems to “count” it in terms of my lesson limit. So, for example, if my limit is 10 cards a day but I hibernate 8 of them, Kitsun will show the wrap-up page after going through those 10 cards, even though I really learned 2 of them. Once I’m back on the deck page, it does correctly show that I only learned 2, and thus have 8 more to go, but it’s a bit annoying having to click back into it, potentially hibernate more new cards, and then have to repeat the process.



Kitsun’s wrap up feature doesn’t work like Wanikani’s. There’s no intention of finishing the review session after doing 10 items. It just gives you packs of 10 items to do, until all items are reviewed.

I do think that the wrap up feature could be improved in order to finish review sessions after reviewing all incomplete/wrong answered items. I think that would make more sense.

I think this is just a limitation of how it’s built, not necessarily a bug.

But let’s see what Neicudi says :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the feedback!

The wrap up feature is currently being reworked into something that actually wraps up your session like you would expect. As @jprspereira explained it currently batches your cards per 10 (with all siblings of those 10 cards) so you can focus on finishing those 10.

When you enter your lesson session, kitsun gets all the cards it needs from the server at once (e.g. 10). When you hibernate a card, it does not automatically get a new card due to possible problems occuring from that.

Making it grab a new card from the server upon hibernation is still on my list of things to implement though, but right now it is a bit low priority compared to some other things :sweat_smile:

So they are both coming sooner or later, with the wrap up coming very soon I think :smile:


Ohhh, good news! :smiley:

Thanks for the response! Sounds like the wrap up feature is on its way, so that’s great.

Regarding the other feature, ah I see, that’s unfortunate. I know Kitsun does “batching” during lessons too, but it looks like despite this it still downloads all lessons at once, not just the next batch.

I guess one way I could work around this would be to set a higher lesson limit, which would give me more “runway” to hibernate things and still get through the number of lessons I actually want.