Hello there!

Yes! It sounds like you’re headed towards the right path! :grin:
がんばってね! :smile:

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Mhm, you can prioritize those words to appear in your lessons first by searching for these tags (L1, L2, L3…) on the manage cards’ table, select the cards, go to actions and then select “Add to front of lessons queue”. Of course, you can’t select hibernated cards (or it won’t work) :slight_smile:

Are you also learning the sentence cards on Core 10k?

Sorry for all the advice :sweat_smile: Don’t want to make it sound too pressuring or bossy. Just genuinely trying to help :slight_smile:


I’m level5 on WK at the moment so I added these levels with the manage cards’ table , thank you :slight_smile:
That should be a bit easier for some words now, because I got tons of kanjis that I can’t read at all haha

I’m not sure I understand your question about the sentence card but I think I have everything on default so that should be included. Are you talking about this?

I try to remember the unknown words in the sentences, but it is quite hard :sweat_smile: I fail really often. I’m not sure if I’m doing it correctly but if I understand the word in the sentence, I validate it.

No need to apologize, I love advices :smiley: That helps me a lot, really!

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There are two types of cards on 10k: words themselves and sentences for those words. They can be seen if you click here:

In reviews it’s either audio being played and you can mark it right or wrong after, or you reading a sentence^^

I highly recommend doing sentences because they helped me a lot with listening and understanding words in context, that’s something that Kitsun’s 10k has and WK doesn’t:) It made a lot of my leeches from WK disappear! :smile: Because sentences can “spoil” the meaning of the word I do my 10k reviews ordered by layout so that they come up at the end^^ The sentences double the amount of reviews and lessons that you might do, so that’s somewhat of a drawback I think, but they can be done quite fast imo :smile:


Oh if this is about this, yes I’m doing the sentences! I validate the answer when I understand the word in the sentence, even if I don’t get/remember the whole sentence though.

Sorry if it’s obvious but I’ve not found the option to have the audio at the end, can you show me where it is? :slight_smile:

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No worries!:smiley: You can reorder your reviews by SRS levels, due date and layouts if you click on the cogwheel in the corner^^ This is how mine looks, ordered by layout, descending:

So this gives me the sentence cards at the end:)

Yeap, I did the same thing in the beginning! Later I shifted my preferences to being able to understand the whole sentence, and recently I was trying to repeat the sentence right after it was said, that was haard, but fun though! :grin:


Mhm, I did the same. As you go, you can be more meticulous with yourself about how well you know the sentences. If you think the sentences are overwhelming you too much @steph-dm, you can choose not to do them for now and focus on learning the vocabulary only.

Same thing with vocabulary. Core 10k has 4 different ways of learning vocabulary. So there’s no need to feel like you need to do them all :slight_smile:

Also, doing English -> Japanese and Japanese -> English in the same learning session can spoil your answers. My advice would be to turn on something called “Delay card siblings”. What it does is that it separates the siblings (going English -> Japanese and Japanese -> English are 2 siblings) in the SRS so that you don’t do them at the same time (to avoid spoiling). In other words, you’d do English -> Japanese now and tomorrow you’d do the Japanese -> English side. Here’s the setting:

Think of it as doing KW and WK all in WK itself. It could be very spoiling, right? :smiley:

I personally define a 23h interval between these siblings :slight_smile:

Let me know if I have made something unclear :v:


Oh it’s here! It’s a bit hidden :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks!

I think I will do that in few days, I need to pass the current words/sentences that I have in review.
I reordered with Wanikani level so I should be able to understand better if it’s going to be more related to what I know already :smiley:

At the moment there’s just too many sentences or words with unknown Kanji so I have to ““guess/try something”” when reading the card :sweat:
I can remember some of the audios but not random Kanji thrown at me ^^

EDIT: Actually, I will still do it now because I have other decks! The problem was mostly on 10k

I feel like I would need to do these 4 different ways because my memory is really bad sometimes :joy:

And I agree that this would be nice to delay the siblings cards but I think this would be a bit hard as I wouldn’t really remember the card yet. (That’s why I had set Learn/Review only >=Guru level cards on KaniWani). Doing KW since the beggining was really not possible :^) I don’t really know what I should do for this :confused:

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Yeah, you can for sure wait a bit with that:) @jprspereira started doing sentences much much later and still found them useful :smile:

I only don’t do the Vocab Reading layout, but that’s pretty much it xD All of the other ones, especially Eng -> Jp and Listening are super helpful imo! :grin:

Delaying siblings will also make it so that you have to wait for the card to go up in rank. So you need to answer all of the layouts correctly, let’s say all 4 of them, for 4 days before it reaches the next SRS level. With sentences it’s not that bad because there are only 2 layouts, but with words it can get overwhelming I guess :thinking: I like that feature because it lets me review the word more times than I would without it^^