Apologies if this has already been discussed but I’d love to see Kitsun to have publisher agreements that would be mutually beneficial to all parties. For instance, I would like a product key that would allow me to upload a publisher developed (or financially backed) SRS deck if I purchase a vocab book such as below (hardcopy or not).
The consumer incentive is obvious but in addition I’d rather have trusted high quality deck w/ example sentences using all of Kitsun’s great features rather than some unknown circulated Unki deck or having to build it myself. For publishers such as SM with various translations, it’s a more technological business angle to attract language learner customers and an element they haven’t lost to the blackmarket already given what is available. For Kitsun, it would build subscribers (international +) and have financial agreements for deck security protection and/or development assuming that is possible.
Of course this is a thinking-out-loud fantasy with little logistical considerations as I’m trying to widen my vocabulary pallet.